Friday, June 22, 2012

Sub-show 6/10/12

Figure 1: Balance yo.

Howdy everyone, this is the show where I hilariously (to me anyway) play really cheesy butt-rock as bed music to counter balance the kick ass three hours of music that I throw down. There can only be so much awesomeness in the universe, and it is a testament to the massive uncoolness of the butt-rock I play that so little of it can off-set the three hours of badassery found below. Enjoy and hit the comments for trackz.




Quote-unquote "final" show

Figure: Leaving

Yes, yes ya'all this was supposed to be my last show evar! But then I subbed in the same slot like a month later, see above. It's three f'n solid hours of music. Please hit the comments for info on particular tracks.

Hour1 (9PM)

Hour2 (10PM)

Hour3 (11PM)

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Figure 1. Manny breaking Bradley's nose.
Show from the 29th of april, a whole three hours, but with all these three hour shows I'm probably playing some wierd shit in the last hour, proceed with caution. Starts off pretty new-wavey/synthy and the first track is from Silence of the Lambs, when that buffalo dude is dancing in drag. Good times. Hit the comment section for specific track requests.

Hour 1:
Hour 2:
 Hour 3:


Figure 1. Crossing the threshold.
Que pasa. This show is from the Avril 15. Can't remember exactly what went down, but the music is probably entertaining none-the-less. Just two hours cuz I had an exam the next morning, which I passed because I'm a graduate now, holla!

hour the first

 next one

Back with old shows

Figure 1. Kanye in cartoon form.
Yo yo. Check these three hours of show from April 1st. Pretty sure this is the fundraiser episode where Ehson and I throw down some HILARIOUS banter, relieving Ehson of his dignity along the way. Judge for yourself below...
PS the playlist has been lost to the gods, post requests for specific tracks in ze commentz.
 hour the first
 hour the second
 hour the third (sans ehson and on)