Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2011-11-20 10-11pm


KGLT Playlist for 9-Midnight Sunday November 20,2011

KGLT Playlist for 9-Midnight Sunday November 20,2011Ares- Show is a pipe bomb
gently friendly
ed schraedes music heat
way through
halfway house
group inerane
deran deran
richard hung himself
*****Break***** 10:15 PM

void sessions 81-83 my rules
mister heavenly out of love bronx sniper
cloud nothings attack on memory no future/no past
prefab messiahs peace love and alienation beyonf all that
*****Break***** 10:33 PM

le pecheur
dont burn the witch
ty seagal lemons lovely one
white fang gnarcotics anonymous shit happens
the limes rhinstone river bottom of the hole
JEFF the brotherhood nirvana tribute something in the way
future islands
long walk home
wu lyf go tell fire to the mountain dirt
*****Break***** 10:54 PM

olivia tremor control dusk at cubist castle courtyard

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